Error "Read past ENDFILE record" using cut3d

MULTIBINIT, aTDEP, ANADDB, optics, cut3d, mrg* postprocessors

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Error "Read past ENDFILE record" using cut3d

Post by paduano » Sat Apr 20, 2013 4:01 am


I am using cut3d to look at wavefunctions. Whenever I try to look at
the highest kpt#/band wavefunction, I get this error:

"At line 291 of file wffile.F90 (unit = 19, file = 'o__WFK')
Fortran runtime error: Read past ENDFILE record"

I can output the rest of the wavefunctions OK. If I change
number of bands/kpts, still have this issue on highest

To be clear, it is just the single wavefunction corresponding to the
highest band and largest kpt# together. Just one wf that I cannot get.

Is this a bug? Is it a known bug? Should I report this somewhere else?

