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How to find I-V characteristics of any sample using ABINIT

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 11:49 am
by schopra1980
Dear Sir,
I wish to know how should I go about finding I-V characteristics of a system: electrode-sample-electrode; using ABINIT-7.6.1? I want the relation between current and Bias voltage. Please help.

Re: How to find I-V characteristics of any sample using ABIN

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 7:07 am
by Seba Darshan
Dear Sir

During my literature review, I have come across the computation of transport properties using real space N-order kubo Greenwood approach, and non equilibrium Green function's formalism.
I am not clear of what they are. I haven't used these techniques.
Many papers are employing these techniques for finding I-V characteristics.

I think you can use any of these approaches for doing transport calculations.
