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Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 3:42 pm
by ham
Dear all,
I want to install the code of simulation ABINIT under Windows XP but, unfortunately, the packages having the extension .tar.gz that I have downloaded from official website seem work only in Linux. I have also tried to install the version abinit-5.8.4 that I have downloaded from the site but here also, I met the same problem as it doesn’t install in windows XP.

I am writing to asking you if you could help me to have the ABINIT version corresponding to windows XP.

Best regards.

Re: Installation

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 5:58 pm
by lagoun brahim
here is the link where you can download the windows version for ABINIT
gunzip(decompress) the file, then you put your executables in systéme32 and you can run them through a DOS command
I advise you to use the Linux platform is more interesting
good luck

Re: Installation

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 5:59 pm
by lagoun brahim

Re: Installation

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 3:53 pm
by ham

When I slip (abinetcdf.exe) in the DOS window and I type enter, I see the message Test OK ... ..
So after, when I slip (abinis.exe) in the DOS window and I type enter, it gives me the following message: Give name for formatted input file:

So I wonder where I can find the names of these files because I tried to give names of my choice, but it gives me an error message.
Best regards.

Re: Installation

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 3:56 pm
by pouillon