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Difficult to download pseudopotential file

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:28 pm
by rgiro
I tryed to download psp file (LDA-Troulier Martins) but I found some difficulties: the web page ( request
a login and a password to perform a ftp download. If I tried annonymous ftp nothing happens.

I need the pseudopotential for Cl. What I need to do to solve this problem. Could
you send to me the psp file (LDA - Troullier-Martins).

Thanks in advance,

Ronaldo Giro


Re: Difficult to download pseudopotential file

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 3:14 pm
by Alain_Jacques
Dear Ronaldo,

I have checked the pseudo ftp repository. Downloading doesn't require a password so I have no suggestion to solve your difficulties.
Anyway, you'll find the Cl pseudo attached to this email. And AFAIR, it is also included in the Abinit distribution file along with the test files.

Kind regards,
