I just installed ABINIT 8.0.8 and run the automatic tests. Inspecting 'Test_suite/suite_report.html', I find that 33 tests failed due to
The diff analysis cannot be pursued: the leading characters differ
Browsing the output file of a given failed test, I find the first line to be
<host-name>.14344hfi_wait_for_device: The /dev/hfi1_0 device failed to appear after 15.0 seconds: Connection timed out
I understand this seems related to my MPI installation, but what surprises me is that a week ago I installed ABINIT 7.10.5 and all tests passed/succeed on the same cluster. No changes have been made on these machines, it's our group cluster. MPI was installed with the package manager YUM.
Would you have any suggestions?
Thank you,