Dear all,
I performed a DMFT calculation and use OmegaMaxEnt to obtain the corresponding
spectra, but I always get this error message:
"G(tau) must not change sign."
while using OmegaMaxEnt. What's the reason for this error? Is it because my DMFT
calculation doesn't converge well? How can I solve this issue?
"G(tau) must not change sign" in DMFT calculation
Moderator: bguster
Re: "G(tau) must not change sign" in DMFT calculation
It seems that your imaginary time Green's function changes sign which is not physically correct. Could you post a plot of your Green's function
in imaginary time (or the raw data) ?
Is your DMFT calculation correctly converged ?
PS: Could you precise your affiliation ?
It seems that your imaginary time Green's function changes sign which is not physically correct. Could you post a plot of your Green's function
in imaginary time (or the raw data) ?
Is your DMFT calculation correctly converged ?
PS: Could you precise your affiliation ?
Bernard Amadon
Re: "G(tau) must not change sign" in DMFT calculation
The DMFT calculation is hard to converge, so I only set a rather low criterion (tolvrs 1e-2) to perform
the calculation otherwise it could never finish. Do you think it is the main reason to make the sign
problem? (I set dmft_tollc=1e-5, but usually, it is not easy to achieve within a reasonable dmft_iter)
I took a look on your lecture and it looks possible to just make a
one shot DMFT calculation and a roughly picture can be obtained. If one-shot calculation is possible,
I suppose the convergence is not reached. If so, is convergence a critical issue that make the sign problem?
* Also a quick question:
Currently the dmft solver seems not support SOC case due to the spinor wavefunctions. If so,
do you think DMFT calculation reliable for 4f electrons? (I saw in your lecture, Ce2O3 works well
abinit DMFT calculation. As far as I know, Ce also has SOC. So do you think SOC effect important
in DMFT?)
Attached is a calculation for Eu metal where there is only one atom per unitcell, so should be a
rather simple case. Beacuse this is just a quick check, many parameters are not taken
to ensure high precision. Any suggestion to help me perform DMFT using abinit is appreciated !
Shu-Ting Pi
University of California, Davis
# << Project: Eu-LDA+DMFT >>
ndtset 1 # how many running data set
jdtset 2
pawprtvol 3 # show more information
#Definition of the Structure ======================
chkprim 0 # check primitive cell, default: 1 (stop) / 0 (warn)
nsym 0 # number of symmetry, default: 0 (autocheck) / 1 (nosymm)
acell 3*4.018 angstrom # equal to 1 angstrom
angdeg 3*109.471 # angle betwee two basis vectors
ntypat 1 # Total types of atoms
znucl 63 # atom species (.files must in same order)
natom 1 # total atoms per unitcell
typat 1 # atom types
0.0 0.0 0.0
# Spin-orbit =======================================
nspinor 1 # spinor
nspden 2 # spin density
nsppol 2 # spin polarizaton
spinat 0 0 0 # initial moments
pawspnorb 0 # turn on paw SOC
spnorbscl 1.0 # scaling of SOC
# Correlated Orbital ================================
usepawu 1 # Full localized doubling counting
dmatpuopt 1 # The density matrix: the simplest expression.
lpawu 3 # f-orb
#Convergence ==========================
ecut 14.7 # Maximal kinetic energy cut-off, in Hartree
pawecutdg 40 # ecut for paw double grid
occopt 3 # smearing of the energy levels
tsmear 1200 K
diemac 1.0e+6 # large value for metal
nband 40
# k-mesh ===========================================
kptopt 4 # kpt generation, if SOC, no TRS allowed
ngkpt 10 10 10 # k-mesh along each axis
nshiftk 1 # how many k-shift
shiftk # shift vector
0.5 0.5 0.5
istwfk *1
# DFT SCF ===========================================
nstep1 300 # Maximal number of SCF cycles
#nline1 10
#nnsclo1 10
upawu1 0.0 eV # U
jpawu1 0.0 eV # J
tolvrs1 1.0d-3
# DMFT ==============================================
usedmft2 1
nline2 20
nnsclo2 20
getwfk2 1
nstep2 100
tolvrs2 1.0d-2
upawu2 8.0 eV
jpawu2 1.0 eV
dmft_solv2 5 # CTQMC
dmftbandi2 6 # initial band
dmftbandf2 12 # final band
dmft_iter2 50
dmft_mxsf2 0.3
dmft_tollc 1e-5
dmft_dc2 1
dmft_nwlo2 100
dmft_nwli2 100000
dmftqmc_l2 50
dmftqmc_n2 1.d6
dmftqmc_therm2 10000 #10000
dmftctqmc_gmove2 0
dmftctqmc_order2 50 #50
The DMFT calculation is hard to converge, so I only set a rather low criterion (tolvrs 1e-2) to perform
the calculation otherwise it could never finish. Do you think it is the main reason to make the sign
problem? (I set dmft_tollc=1e-5, but usually, it is not easy to achieve within a reasonable dmft_iter)
I took a look on your lecture and it looks possible to just make a
one shot DMFT calculation and a roughly picture can be obtained. If one-shot calculation is possible,
I suppose the convergence is not reached. If so, is convergence a critical issue that make the sign problem?
* Also a quick question:
Currently the dmft solver seems not support SOC case due to the spinor wavefunctions. If so,
do you think DMFT calculation reliable for 4f electrons? (I saw in your lecture, Ce2O3 works well
abinit DMFT calculation. As far as I know, Ce also has SOC. So do you think SOC effect important
in DMFT?)
Attached is a calculation for Eu metal where there is only one atom per unitcell, so should be a
rather simple case. Beacuse this is just a quick check, many parameters are not taken
to ensure high precision. Any suggestion to help me perform DMFT using abinit is appreciated !
Shu-Ting Pi
University of California, Davis
# << Project: Eu-LDA+DMFT >>
ndtset 1 # how many running data set
jdtset 2
pawprtvol 3 # show more information
#Definition of the Structure ======================
chkprim 0 # check primitive cell, default: 1 (stop) / 0 (warn)
nsym 0 # number of symmetry, default: 0 (autocheck) / 1 (nosymm)
acell 3*4.018 angstrom # equal to 1 angstrom
angdeg 3*109.471 # angle betwee two basis vectors
ntypat 1 # Total types of atoms
znucl 63 # atom species (.files must in same order)
natom 1 # total atoms per unitcell
typat 1 # atom types
0.0 0.0 0.0
# Spin-orbit =======================================
nspinor 1 # spinor
nspden 2 # spin density
nsppol 2 # spin polarizaton
spinat 0 0 0 # initial moments
pawspnorb 0 # turn on paw SOC
spnorbscl 1.0 # scaling of SOC
# Correlated Orbital ================================
usepawu 1 # Full localized doubling counting
dmatpuopt 1 # The density matrix: the simplest expression.
lpawu 3 # f-orb
#Convergence ==========================
ecut 14.7 # Maximal kinetic energy cut-off, in Hartree
pawecutdg 40 # ecut for paw double grid
occopt 3 # smearing of the energy levels
tsmear 1200 K
diemac 1.0e+6 # large value for metal
nband 40
# k-mesh ===========================================
kptopt 4 # kpt generation, if SOC, no TRS allowed
ngkpt 10 10 10 # k-mesh along each axis
nshiftk 1 # how many k-shift
shiftk # shift vector
0.5 0.5 0.5
istwfk *1
# DFT SCF ===========================================
nstep1 300 # Maximal number of SCF cycles
#nline1 10
#nnsclo1 10
upawu1 0.0 eV # U
jpawu1 0.0 eV # J
tolvrs1 1.0d-3
# DMFT ==============================================
usedmft2 1
nline2 20
nnsclo2 20
getwfk2 1
nstep2 100
tolvrs2 1.0d-2
upawu2 8.0 eV
jpawu2 1.0 eV
dmft_solv2 5 # CTQMC
dmftbandi2 6 # initial band
dmftbandf2 12 # final band
dmft_iter2 50
dmft_mxsf2 0.3
dmft_tollc 1e-5
dmft_dc2 1
dmft_nwlo2 100
dmft_nwli2 100000
dmftqmc_l2 50
dmftqmc_n2 1.d6
dmftqmc_therm2 10000 #10000
dmftctqmc_gmove2 0
dmftctqmc_order2 50 #50
Re: "G(tau) must not change sign" in DMFT calculation
More generally, if you want more precise data, the first thing to do is to increase dmftqmc_n, which is rather low.
Could you please post your Green's function in imaginary time ?
More generally, if you want more precise data, the first thing to do is to increase dmftqmc_n, which is rather low.
Could you please post your Green's function in imaginary time ?
Bernard Amadon
Re: "G(tau) must not change sign" in DMFT calculation
Hello Bernard,
I'm new to DMFT in abinit. The are many output files, which one are you talking about?
I got the following files with different names:
I can't find any document explain their meaning. Which file contains the GF in imaginary time?
(I guess, Gtau.dat? but which column? It's hard the understand the output of the dmft calculation).
Shu-Ting Pi
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of California, Davis
I'm new to DMFT in abinit. The are many output files, which one are you talking about?
I got the following files with different names:
I can't find any document explain their meaning. Which file contains the GF in imaginary time?
(I guess, Gtau.dat? but which column? It's hard the understand the output of the dmft calculation).
Shu-Ting Pi
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of California, Davis