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Do you experience trouble to compile with NetCDF ?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 2:39 pm
by gonze
Dear ABINIT users,

In the forthcoming months, it is planned that ABINIT rely more on NetCDF by default.
Before starting this change of standard mode of writing, we would like to know whether
some people still experience some problem with NetCDF ...

The enabling of NetCDF at configure time has been the default since 5.6 , more than one year ago.
If you experience problems, could you give a try to ABINITv6.0.1 : ... ases/6.0.1
If NetCDF does not compile properly with this latest version (release candidate), please reply to this post,
and describe your problem.


Re: Do you experience trouble to compile with NetCDF ?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 8:08 am
by tchanier
Dear All,

I am trying to compile ABINIT-6.0.1 with the netcdf library. First, is the library included in the abinit package or is it necessary to have the netcdf library prefix to the netcdf library? Second, I tried to compile giving the netcdf library path :

./configure --prefix=/home/chanier/installdir --enable-mpi="yes" --enable-mpi-io="yes" --with-mpi-prefix="/sw/openmpi" --enable-64bit-flags="yes" --enable-netcdf="yes" --enable-netcdf-libs=/usr/lib/netcdf/lib/

The configuration fails. It issues the following error message:

=== Option consistency checking ===

configure: checking consistency of external prerequisite options
configure: |---> all OK
configure: checking consistency of plug-in options
configure: |---> all OK
configure: parsing command-line options
configure: error: invalid library statement in with_netcdf_libs: /home/chanier/usr/lib/netcdf-4.0.1/lib/

How to solve this problem? Thank you in advance.


Thomas Chanier

Re: Do you experience trouble to compile with NetCDF ?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 4:29 pm
by jbeuken
Hello Thomas,

can you try with this syntax :

--with-netcdf-libs="-L/usr/lib/netcdf/lib -lnetcdf"
