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error response of makemake

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 2:50 pm
by jzwanzig
Hi, in my 6.3.0-private branch, after merging trunk/6.3.0-public and solving the three minor conflicts, makemake fails with:

... various abilint outputs successful, not copied here...

Autotools framework (for Autoconf)

* Generating aclocal.m4...done.
* Generating
* Generating configure script...done.
* Generating for each directory:
* All done.

Branch parameters

* BN: 6.3.0-private BR: 6.3.0-private BS: 6.3.0-private
* B: 6.3.0 C: 6.3.0
* branch revision: 6.3.0-private
* branch has uncommitted changes

test: 341: test: unexpected operator

Time elapsed : 68s

but I have no uncommitted changes, I don't know how to continue. Any suggestions?


Re: error response of makemake  [SOLVED]

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:33 pm
by jzwanzig
Hi, I've just found and fixed the two bugs in makemake causing the problems. The fix is contained in my 6.3.0-public branch. The problems were:

lines 213 and 214, awk should use print $2 and print $3 respectively, to get the correct information out of ${branch_info}

lines 329 and 330: test on multiple conditions with -a had the wrong syntax (word "test" was repeated for the second condition).
