why i have another space group in my out file?
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:15 pm
thankyou verry much becase of previous answer,now i run my job but i have problem with space group,for example my materrial is BiFeo3 and it is rhombohedral with R3c space group but when i run my jog to calculate ground state there is space group p1 in my out file,please help me.what i have to do?
thankyou verry much.
thankyou verry much becase of previous answer,now i run my job but i have problem with space group,for example my materrial is BiFeo3 and it is rhombohedral with R3c space group but when i run my jog to calculate ground state there is space group p1 in my out file,please help me.what i have to do?
thankyou verry much.