location of numpy include files
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 7:05 pm
In many linux distributions there is a soft link to the numpy-include in the Python include directory (the latter is given by distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc() or by the python-config command line tool).
However, this soft link does not always exist.
E.g. on our compute clusters we provide several different versions of numpy using a modules system, and to get the location of the numpy include files one could e.g. get it through numpy.get_include().
Just as an illustration, I created a simple patch witch adds both include locations to PYTHON_CPPFLAGS (I'll try to attach it to this thread)
In many linux distributions there is a soft link to the numpy-include in the Python include directory (the latter is given by distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc() or by the python-config command line tool).
However, this soft link does not always exist.
E.g. on our compute clusters we provide several different versions of numpy using a modules system, and to get the location of the numpy include files one could e.g. get it through numpy.get_include().
Just as an illustration, I created a simple patch witch adds both include locations to PYTHON_CPPFLAGS (I'll try to attach it to this thread)