I'm not sure what caused your error, but there are some more fundamental problems that should be dealt with first....
1. Your input file does not correctly describe CdSe in the wurtzite structure. Your rprim matrix doesn't have enough significant digits to represent a hexagonal basis and instead represents a monoclinic basis. The cell edges are incorrect as the c-cell edge is not equal to the a- and b-cell edges. Also, there are 4 atoms in the unit cell, not 2. The following input data can be used to as a starting point to locate a ground-state minimum energy structure (note that cell edges are in Bohrs, not Angstroms).
Code: Select all
acell 8.2863447567E+00 8.2863447567E+00 1.3518226249E+01
rprim 1.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
-5.0000000000E-01 8.6602540378E-01 0.0000000000E+00
0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 1.0000000000E+00
znucl 48 34
natom 4
ntypat 2
typat 1 2 1 2
xred 3.3333333333E-01 6.6666666667E-01 -8.3725467059E-04
3.3333333333E-01 6.6666666667E-01 6.2333725432E-01
6.6666666667E-01 3.3333333333E-01 4.9916274533E-01
6.6666666667E-01 3.3333333333E-01 1.2333725432E-01
2. Your k-point grid uses a shift that is appropriate for a FCC basis, but not for a hexagonal basis. Also, you probably want to use more kpoints along the a- and b- axis than the c-axis. Try using the following shift /kpts instead...
Code: Select all
kptopt 1
ngkpt 8 8 6
nshiftk 1
shiftk 0.0 0.0 0.5
3. You should increase your nstep to ensure that your calculations are converged.
4. Also, if you're trying to generate an energy vs. volume curve to determine the equation of state, you need to relax both the ions and the cell at each volume.
Hope this helps.