I am a new in abinit. i have atempt to compute polarization . i have use the code telast_4 from abinit.the code give the good result .
my problem is the calcul of the total polarization. I have not found this value -0.745589 C/m2 from this calculation
Polarization -1.578272218E-11 C/m^2
Polarization 1.578207434E-11 C/m^2
Polarization -2.979936062E-01 C/m^2
Polarization -1.577757536E-11 C/m^2
Polarization 1.577753205E-11 C/m^2
Polarization -2.981427239E-01 C/m^2
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Please have a look at ~abinit/doc/config/build-config.ac in the source package for detailed and up-to-date information about the configuration of Abinit 8 builds.
For a video explanation on how to build Abinit 7.x for Linux, please go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DppLQ-KQA68.
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Please have a look at ~abinit/doc/config/build-config.ac in the source package for detailed and up-to-date information about the configuration of Abinit 8 builds.
For a video explanation on how to build Abinit 7.x for Linux, please go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DppLQ-KQA68.
IMPORTANT: when an answer solves your problem, please check the little green V-like button on its upper-right corner to accept it.