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Error compiling abinit-7.2.2 on 32-bit ubuntu-14

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 12:59 am
by esr3d

I'm trying to compile Abinit-7.2.2 on a 32-bit Ubunutu 14 system. I am using the following .ac configuration file:

Code: Select all

    with_netcdf_libs="-L/usr/lib -lnetcdf -lnetcdff"
    with_fft_libs="-L/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu -lfftw3 -lfftw3f"
    with_linalg_libs="-L/usr/lib -llapack -lf77blas -lcblas -latlas"

I compile using ./configure --with-config-file="./"

However, I get this error when I make mj4

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../../src/11_memory_mpi/lib11_memory_mpi.a(m_profiling.o):/home/ellen/Desktop/abinit-7.2.2/src/11_memory_mpi/m_profiling.F90:83: first defined here
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Does anyone have suggestions for how to resolve this error?

Re: Error compiling abinit-7.2.2 on 32-bit ubuntu-14

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 3:50 pm
by Jordan

I do not any clue for your problem, but you should rather use the latest version of abinit : 7.8.2 just released a few days ago. It has many bugs fixed and improved support.

If you get the same error, come back and we'll help you. Provide version of you compiler and libraries, as well as the log of your configure step (config.log) and a few more lines before the error raised.


Re: Error compiling abinit-7.2.2 on 32-bit ubuntu-14

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 9:09 pm
by esr3d

Thank you, I have successfully compiled the new version of Abinit (7.8.2).

However, I cannot get the tests to run properly.
In the tests directory, I run ./ and get the following output:

Code: Select all

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 457, in <module>
  File "./", line 269, in main
    build_env = BuildEnvironment(build_dir_path)
  File "/home/ellen/Desktop/abinit-7.8.2/tests/pymods/", line 908, in __init__
    build_dir = find_top_build_tree(build_dir)
  File "/home/ellen/Desktop/abinit-7.8.2/tests/pymods/", line 732, in find_top_build_tree
    raise RuntimeError("Cannot find the ABINIT build tree after %s trials" % ntrials)
RuntimeError: Cannot find the ABINIT build tree after 10 trials

Do you have any suggestions for running the tests? Is there a way I can find the location of the build tree?
Thank you!

Re: Error compiling abinit-7.2.2 on 32-bit ubuntu-14

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 9:21 pm
by Jordan

Glad you figured out to compile abinit.

Usually, what I do, in the abinit root directory /aaa/b/bbb/abinit-7.8,2 for intance, I make a new directory called build and configure/compile the code inside this build directory.
At the end of the compilation you have a test directory in which I run ../../

Code: Select all

cd abinit-7.8.2
mkdir build
cd build
../configure [--with-config-file=XXX ....]
make mj4
cd tests
../../ [-j 4]

The script tries to find where the executable of abinit is with 10 tries, so if you are not where it expects you to be.... it does not work.

If it still does not work, make sure you have an executable abinit in build/src/98_main/

