Band Structure of Graphene
Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 5:27 am
I am trying to calculate the band structure of graphene and I used the attached input file. The bands look decent except the two bands highest in energy. If anyone knows why... please shed some light on this issue.
# Crystalline graphene (graphite)
# Computation of the band structure.
# First, a SCF density computation, then a non-SCF band structure calculation.
ndtset 2
#Dataset 1 : usual self-consistent calculation
kptopt1 1 # Option for the automatic generation of k points,
# taking into account the symmetry
iscf1 3
nshiftk1 1
shiftk1 0 0 0.0 # These shifts will be the same for all grids
ngkpt1 5 5 1
nband1 8
prtden1 1 # Print the density, for use by dataset 2
toldfe1 1.0d-8
#Dataset 2 : the band structure
iscf2 -2
getden2 -1
kptopt2 -3
nband2 8
ndivk2 20 12 24 # 20, 12 and 24 divisions of the 3 segments, delimited
# by 4 points.
kptbounds2 0.0 0.0 0.0 # Gamma point
0.5 0.5 0.0 # M point
0.66667 0.33333 0.0 # K point
0.0 0.0 0.0 # Gamma point again
tolwfr2 1.0d-12
enunit2 1 # Will output the eigenenergies in eV
#Definition of the unit cell
acell 4.6415 4.6415 24.6415 # in Bohr radii
rprim 0.8660 -0.5 0 # Graphene (graphite) primitive column vectors scaled acell
0.8660 0.5 0
0 0 1
#Definition of the atom types
ntypat 1 # There is only one type of atom
znucl 6 # The keyword "znucl" refers to the atomic number of the
# possible type(s) of atom. The pseudopotential(s)
# mentioned in the "files" file must correspond
# to the type(s) of atom. Here, the only type is Carbon
#Definition of the atoms: 2 atoms of type 1, Carbon
natom 2
typat 1 1
xangst # This keyword indicate that the location of the atoms in ANGSTROM
# will follow, one triplet of number for each atom
0.0 0.0 0.0 # Triplet giving the coordinate of atom 1.
0.71 1.22975 0.0 # Triplet giving the coordinate of atom 2.
#Definition of the planewave basis set
ecut 20.0 # Maximal kinetic energy cut-off, in Hartree
#Definition of the SCF procedure
nstep 25 # Maximal number of SCF cycles
diemac 1000000 # Although this is not mandatory, it is worth to
# precondition the SCF cycle. The model dielectric
# function used as the standard preconditioner
# is described in the "dielng" input variable section.
# Here, we follow the prescription for a metal
I am trying to calculate the band structure of graphene and I used the attached input file. The bands look decent except the two bands highest in energy. If anyone knows why... please shed some light on this issue.
# Crystalline graphene (graphite)
# Computation of the band structure.
# First, a SCF density computation, then a non-SCF band structure calculation.
ndtset 2
#Dataset 1 : usual self-consistent calculation
kptopt1 1 # Option for the automatic generation of k points,
# taking into account the symmetry
iscf1 3
nshiftk1 1
shiftk1 0 0 0.0 # These shifts will be the same for all grids
ngkpt1 5 5 1
nband1 8
prtden1 1 # Print the density, for use by dataset 2
toldfe1 1.0d-8
#Dataset 2 : the band structure
iscf2 -2
getden2 -1
kptopt2 -3
nband2 8
ndivk2 20 12 24 # 20, 12 and 24 divisions of the 3 segments, delimited
# by 4 points.
kptbounds2 0.0 0.0 0.0 # Gamma point
0.5 0.5 0.0 # M point
0.66667 0.33333 0.0 # K point
0.0 0.0 0.0 # Gamma point again
tolwfr2 1.0d-12
enunit2 1 # Will output the eigenenergies in eV
#Definition of the unit cell
acell 4.6415 4.6415 24.6415 # in Bohr radii
rprim 0.8660 -0.5 0 # Graphene (graphite) primitive column vectors scaled acell
0.8660 0.5 0
0 0 1
#Definition of the atom types
ntypat 1 # There is only one type of atom
znucl 6 # The keyword "znucl" refers to the atomic number of the
# possible type(s) of atom. The pseudopotential(s)
# mentioned in the "files" file must correspond
# to the type(s) of atom. Here, the only type is Carbon
#Definition of the atoms: 2 atoms of type 1, Carbon
natom 2
typat 1 1
xangst # This keyword indicate that the location of the atoms in ANGSTROM
# will follow, one triplet of number for each atom
0.0 0.0 0.0 # Triplet giving the coordinate of atom 1.
0.71 1.22975 0.0 # Triplet giving the coordinate of atom 2.
#Definition of the planewave basis set
ecut 20.0 # Maximal kinetic energy cut-off, in Hartree
#Definition of the SCF procedure
nstep 25 # Maximal number of SCF cycles
diemac 1000000 # Although this is not mandatory, it is worth to
# precondition the SCF cycle. The model dielectric
# function used as the standard preconditioner
# is described in the "dielng" input variable section.
# Here, we follow the prescription for a metal