Abinit 8.0.2 - Warnings and errors [SOLVED]
Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 1:21 pm
Hello all,
I recently installed and compiled Abinit 8.0.2 successfully and started running scripts. One of the things I noticed with this version of Abinit is that some of the error/warning messages are missing. For example, I attempted to run a file with Abinit in which I wanted to turn off the printing of the Eigenvalues. I attempted to type "prteig" and instead typed "rteig".
While abinit correctly aborted the program during its check of the input variables, it gave me no warning message, in either the log file or output file to indicate what was wrong with the input file I submitted.
I just want to point this out before a public release. Thanks for all you do!
I recently installed and compiled Abinit 8.0.2 successfully and started running scripts. One of the things I noticed with this version of Abinit is that some of the error/warning messages are missing. For example, I attempted to run a file with Abinit in which I wanted to turn off the printing of the Eigenvalues. I attempted to type "prteig" and instead typed "rteig".
While abinit correctly aborted the program during its check of the input variables, it gave me no warning message, in either the log file or output file to indicate what was wrong with the input file I submitted.
I just want to point this out before a public release. Thanks for all you do!