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phonon eigenvector

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 7:57 am
by marsusi
Hello every one,

I have put outscphon into 1 in order to get PHVEC file and can visualize atomic displacement in each mode. But this flag is not working for eigen vectors and no PHVEC file is generated by ABINIT-8.0.6.
Also, is any other way to visualize phonons in each mode?
Any help would be very appriciated.

Thanks in advance,


Re: phonon eigenvector  [SOLVED]

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 9:59 am
by Jordan
You can use eivec=2 to print the eigen vectors.

If you want a tool that directly reads the anaddb output you can use animemd in the abiout package : ... ntu/abiout
Open the file output with anaddb and switch to mode phonon with the comman

Code: Select all

:mode phonons

where QX QY QZ are one qpt and IMODE the mode number.
(see animemd --help)

Re: phonon eigenvector

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 11:11 am
by marsusi
Dear Jordan,

Many thanks for your help. I got the eigen vectors.
