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abinit 7.10.4 compile problem  [SOLVED]

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 11:44 pm
by fwfw
Dear All,
I am using ifort and icc (version 11.1) to compile abinit-7.10.4. The compilation stops and shows an err as :
fortcom: Error: m_fock.F90, line 946: A pointer dummy argument with the INTENT(IN) attribute shall not appear as an actual argument if the associated dummy argument has the INTENT(OUT) or INTENT(INOUT) attribute. [FOCK]
fortcom: Error: m_fock.F90, line 973: A pointer dummy argument with the INTENT(IN) attribute shall not appear as an actual argument if the associated dummy argument has the INTENT(OUT) or INTENT(INOUT) attribute. [FOCK]
call sphereboundary(fock%gbound_bz(:,:,my_jkpt),fock%istwfk_bz(my_jkpt),&
compilation aborted for m_fock.F90 (code 1)

Could anybody please give me some hints to solve this problem.
Thank you.

Re: abinit 7.10.4 compile problem

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 8:02 pm
by jbeuken
the compiler version is no longer supported…

use :
    version 13.1.3 or better
    version 14.0.4 or better

Re: abinit 7.10.4 compile problem

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:34 am
by onion2440
jbeuken wrote:Hi,
the compiler version is no longer supported…

use :
    version 13.1.3 or better
    version 14.0.4 or better

I want know if it is better to compile abinit with ifort 16.0.1 or 15.0.4?