BUG in Abinit 8.0.8 in abi_xheev.f90 routine
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 9:09 am
I have encountered a bug where it expected a complex number but received a double, it is found in abi_xheev.f90
as I checked zheevd should receive a complex number in its fourth parameter from the left, but Abinit submits a double data type resulting to an error with the following message:
Error Message
When could we see this corrected?
Code: Select all
real(dp),target, intent(inout) :: a(lda,*)
call magmaf_zheevd(jobz,uplo,n,a,...)
as I checked zheevd should receive a complex number in its fourth parameter from the left, but Abinit submits a double data type resulting to an error with the following message:
Error Message
Code: Select all
Problem in abi_xheev, info -8
Parameter incorrect?
When could we see this corrected?