Abinit 8.10.3 compiled with gnu 9.1: DFT calculation crash
Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 10:43 am
Dear abinit developers,
I'm trying to run abinit to test the interface with the yambo code.
I've compiled the branch release-8-10 of gitlab.
the compilation is succesfull, however when I try to run the code it crashes with the message
Attached few files (Report.log is a tar.gz file):
- config.log (two different compilations, both give th esame result)
- .out and .log of the crash (crash folder) and two .log and .out which worked with an older version of abinit (reference folder)
- input file and pseudopotentials I used
Thank you in advance.
I'm trying to run abinit to test the interface with the yambo code.
I've compiled the branch release-8-10 of gitlab.
the compilation is succesfull, however when I try to run the code it crashes with the message
Code: Select all
Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.
Backtrace for this error:
#0 0x7f34a2c5ef1f in ???
#1 0x7f34a03a0070 in ???
- config.log (two different compilations, both give th esame result)
- .out and .log of the crash (crash folder) and two .log and .out which worked with an older version of abinit (reference folder)
- input file and pseudopotentials I used
Thank you in advance.