I'm experiencing reproducible SEGFAULTS when using Abinit 7.4.3 compiled with ifort 14.0.0 to calculate the bandstructure and wavefunction of SnTe.
I did some tests, to check, where the error comes from:
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gfortran 4.8.2 + openmpi 1.6.5 : works perfectly
ifort + openmpi 1.6.5 : SEGFAULT
ifort + openmpi 1.6.2 : works perfectly
compiled with ifort + openmpi 1.6.2 but
running with ifort + openmpi 1.6.5 : works perfectly
What should I do now?
Best regards,
EDIT: I tried to triangulate the problem and noticed, that I can successfully calculate the bandstructure compiling with optimization level 1.
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./configure FC=mpif90 F77=mpif77 CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx --enable-mpi --enable-mpi-io --with-linalg-flavor=mkl LIBS=-mkl prefix=$HOME --enable-optim CFLAGS_OPTIM="-O1" CXXFLAGS_OPTIM="-O1" FCFLAGS_OPTIM="-O1"
Compiling with optimization level 2 (here with added traceback flag)
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./configure FC=mpif90 F77=mpif77 CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx --enable-mpi --enable-mpi-io --with-linalg-flavor=mkl LIBS=-mkl prefix=$HOME --enable-optim CFLAGS_OPTIM="-O2" CXXFLAGS_OPTIM="-O2" FCFLAGS_OPTIM="-O2" --enable-debug CFLAGS_DEBUG="-g -traceback" CXXFLAGS_DEBUG="-g -traceback" FCFLAGS_DEBUG="-g -traceback"
results in SEGFAULTS with the following backtrace for every process:
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forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
Image PC Routine Line Source
libirc.so 00002B5D01B641F9 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libirc.so 00002B5D01B62B70 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libifcore.so.5 00002B5D00E8EDDF Unknown Unknown Unknown
libifcore.so.5 00002B5D00DF64CF Unknown Unknown Unknown
libifcore.so.5 00002B5D00E07BC3 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libpthread.so.0 00002B5D01DBE7C0 Unknown Unknown Unknown
abinit 00000000017C1901 xcpbe_ 537 xcpbe.F90
abinit 0000000001790CC5 drivexc_ 429 drivexc.F90
abinit 00000000017656B8 rhohxc_ 713 rhohxc.F90
abinit 0000000000F3CA7A setvtr_ 446 setvtr.F90
abinit 00000000005BB4BE scfcv_ 1043 scfcv.F90
abinit 0000000000590A88 scfcv_new_ 187 scfcv_new.F90
abinit 00000000005923AC scfcv_new2_ 138 scfcv_new2.F90
abinit 000000000053056B gstate_ 1183 gstate.F90
abinit 000000000045860A gstateimg_ 421 gstateimg.F90
abinit 0000000000446C68 driver_ 653 driver.F90
abinit 000000000043D253 MAIN__ 440 abinit.F90
abinit 000000000043B486 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libc.so.6 00002B5D01FEAC36 Unknown Unknown Unknown
abinit 000000000043B379 Unknown Unknown Unknown