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executable File

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:36 pm
by hamidalmasi
Dear All ;
I am beginner in ABINIT 6.4.1.I have started working with tutorial , but once I want to run executable file from the installed path ,I do not know how could it be possible?
I type in the terminal : [path]/scr/98_main
and I go to 98_main directory (in which abinit.exe is here)
Then what should I do to Run this executable ?What should I type in the Terminal?

Re: executable File

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:15 pm
by Alain_Jacques
Are you sure it is named "abinit.exe" ... a file name finishing with a .exe is usually a Windows binary.

Anyway you didn't install your compiled application - not a problem - and you managed to change to the src/98_main directory where the binary lives - fine. To keep the disk tidy, create a working directory and change to it with

Code: Select all

mkdir tmp
cd tmp

Copy the abinit-6.4.1/tests/tutorial/Input/ (i.e. input parameters file) and abinit-6.4.1/tests/Psps_for_tests/01h.pspgth (i.e. pseudopotential file for hydrogen) with (adapt xxx to your directory structure)

Code: Select all

cp xxx/abinit-6.4.1/tests/tutorial/Input/ .
cp xxx/abinit-6.4.1/tests/Psps_for_tests/01h.pspgth .

And then launch abinit with

Code: Select all


Reply to the questions and enter the input and pseudo file names when asked. The program run for a fraction of seconds and display (a lot of) information. List the directory, you should have a few new files (xxx.DEN, xxx.EIG, ...). You just finished the first exercise of tutorial 1.
Read the rest of the story on ... son_1.html


Re: executable File

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:03 pm
by hamidalmasi
Thanks so much.
It did work!