tests_acc (RE: MPI configuration in v.6.0.x)

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tests_acc (RE: MPI configuration in v.6.0.x)

Post by mmikami » Tue Feb 16, 2010 10:57 am

Dear all,

Please let me post the following message again, which appeared in the thread
Re: [SOLVED] MPI configuration in v.6.0.x
Postby mmikami » Mon Feb 15, 2010 6:54 pm

The story was not completed... I have noticed a strange thing when I run "make tests_acc" in the ~ABINIT/tests.

When I compiled abinit with ifort/gfortran (without mpi), all the outputs/data files were placed in ~ABINIT/tests/*/tmp*. This is indeed as we expect.
But, when I compiled abinit with mpif90 (compiled with ifort), all the outputs/data files were placed in ~ABINIT/src/98_main/ (where the executables exist). Thus fldiff.report gave me "fatal error" messages. (This kind of thing did not happen with v.5.x.y) On the other hand, *.log/*.err files were placed in ~ABINIT/tests/*/tmp*/...
(N.B. This situation was not changed when I tried with v.6.0.2 on 8 May 2010)

What should I have done!?

