I have recently been trying to construct PAW datasets for Ti and O in
order to calculate the electric field gradient in rutile within LDA.
I have had great difficulty accomplishing this.
I first tried the Ti and O from the "recommended Abinit table" on the
website, however, these PAWs yield EFGs that are a factor of 2 too
large. Using Abinit-6.8.1 and Abinit-6.6.2, both give the same
I am using the structure given in Petrilli et al. (PRB v57 p14690) and
I have been able to reproduce the LAPW results given in this paper
with my own LAPW calculations.
I have been using atompaw v3.0.1.2 to generate my PAW datasets. I
have tried numerous combinations of PAW input parameters:
* different paw, partial wave, core, and local potential radii
* different construction methods: e.g. rrkj, Vanderbilt, Bloechl, etc.
* different numbers of projectors:
for Ti: at least 2 s, 2 p, and 2 d projectors (with 3s and 3p in the valence)
for O: at least 2 s, 2 p, and 1 d projectors
* different forms of the local potential and shape function
I have also converged all relevant Abinit input variables in the EFG
calculation including: ecut, pawecutdg, pawntheta, pawnphi, bxctmindg, etc.
In my most recent set of tests I computed the EFGs for Ti and O as
function of a the Ti and O PAW radii. My tests show that the Ti and O
EFGs are very sensitive to the choice of the Ti PAW radii (the Ti and
O EFGs are much less sensitive to the O PAW radius, between 1.0 and
1.4 au yields good results). In fact the O EFG doesn't converge until
the Ti PAW radii have been reduced to ~1.4 au and it converges to a
value that is ~5% smaller than the LAPW and PAW values given by
Petrilli et al. (see above). At this radius, the converged ecut is
~55 Ha.
If you analyze the convergence of the individual EFG tensor
contributions for the Ti and O EFG as a function of the Ti PAW radii
you will see that for the Ti EFG, the "efg_el" and "efg_paw" terms are
changing only slightly as a function of the Ti PAW radii. For the O
EFG, the "efg_paw" is flat while the "efg_el" contribution is changing
rapidly until r=~1.4 au.
As an additional check, I have used the O and Ti PAWs to compute the EFGs
for Ti in Ti hcp metal and O in solid O2. For both tests I get good agreement
with my own LAPW calculations.
It seems to me that the most likely explanation is an input file
problem. Perhaps there is another PAW input variable that I am not
setting correctly?
Does anyone have any advice?
Eric J. Walter
Senior Research Scientist
Department of Physics
College of William and Mary
Abinit INPUT file:
ndtset 10
ecut: 10
ecut+ 5
pawecutdg: 20
pawecutdg+ 10
getwfk -1
nstep 200
npulayit 4
ixc 7
kptopt 1
ngkpt 4 4 6
toldfe 1.0d-8
iscf 17
natom 6
nband 24
ntypat 2
typat 2*1 4*2
znucl 22 8
acell 3*8.6795
rprim 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.6442
prtefg 2
0.0 0.0 0.0
0.5 0.5 0.5
0.304800000 0.304800000 0.000000000
-0.304800000 -0.304800000 0.000000000
0.804800000 0.195200000 0.500000000
0.195200000 0.804800000 0.500000000
PAW data sets for EFG calculations
PAW data sets for EFG calculations
- Attachments
- An example Ti atompaw input
- (312 Bytes) Downloaded 283 times
- RutilePAW.xls
- Rutile EFG results for various PAW datasets
- (22.5 KiB) Downloaded 256 times
- rutileefg.pdf
- Plot of one component of the individual EFG tensor components (for Ti, the 'zz' component is plotted, for O, the 'xy' component is shown).
- (6.46 KiB) Downloaded 273 times
Re: PAW data sets for EFG calculations
Hi Eric, I am looking into this. With my own Ti and O PAW sets I get good values for Ti but not so good for O. This is puzzling to me because with this O set in other contexts (silicates) I routinely get extremely good values. I will let you know what I find out.
Josef W. Zwanziger
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Canada Research Chair in NMR Studies of Materials
Dalhousie University
Halifax, NS B3H 4J3 Canada
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Canada Research Chair in NMR Studies of Materials
Dalhousie University
Halifax, NS B3H 4J3 Canada