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How can I get abinit binaries for windows 32bits?  [SOLVED]

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 7:31 am
by ohclutch
I am very new in abinit.
I cant find binaries package for windows 32bit.
Of course, I've already tried,
but the link has been broken.
Please help.XD


I've just received a e-mail message from Prof. Matthieu Verstraete and Dr. Jean-Michel. Beuken.
They said there are some problems with ETSF server.
Thank you for sending binaries.

Re: How can I get abinit binaries for windows 32bits?

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 4:51 pm
by mverstra

the server links are being updated. In the meanwhile you can find the 32 bit old binaries at ... 237b4bbf8f

Please note that more recent versions of abinit provide many more features and stuff (PAW...). The optimal solution if you really want to work under windows is to install something like cygwin ( with the packages for gcc gfortran and autotools = automake m4 etc...) which is a linux environment under windows, and compile a new version of the package.



Re: How can I get abinit binaries for windows 32bits?

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 10:08 pm
by jbeuken