NEB failure
Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 8:24 pm
I am running an NEB.
A. When I DO include a angdeg_lastimg and a acell_lastimg, the program just stops with no error following the start of the 2/7 image on the first iteration. Literally, there is no listing of an error in the log or out file. On some machines I do get a core dump.
B. When I do NOT include angdeg_lastimg but DO include acell_lastimg, the program bombs with this error:
--- !BUG
src_file: m_fftcore.F90
src_line: 3440
mpi_rank: 0
message: |
The variables ikg, mkmem, and mpw must satisfy ikg<=(mkmem-1)*mpw,
while the arguments of the routine are
ikg =5192, mkmem =4, mpw =1728
Probable cause: Known error in invars1 for parallel spin-polarized case.
Temporary solution: Change the number of parallel processes.
So? I think I tried this suggestion correctly a couple of times.. got all the way down to 1 processor. But still got same error.
C. When I do NOT include angdeg_lastimg and do NOT include acell_lastimg, the program runs fine.
HOWEVER: I NEED to define the final image and it DOES have a specified acell and angdeg different from the initial image.
What is the solution to this problem?
I have 32 kpoints and 160 bands so I use 512 processors == npband 32 * npkpt 16.
Here is my input file (without the xred coord lines):
ntimimage 28
nimage 7
imgmov 5 #NEB
neb_algo 1 #Henkelsman
#neb_spring 0.05 0.05 #default why? who TF knows
mep_solver 1
chksymbreak 0
fxcartfactor 10.0
tolimg 1.d-3
istatimg 1 # need the energies -- a 0 gives no energies
#dynimage 0 6*1
#nsppol 1
#prtwf 0
iscf 17
# optcell 2
# ionmov 2
nstep 500
ecutsm 0.5
toldfe 1.0d-3
#need van der waals
vdw_xc 7
ixc 11
ecut 25.0
diemac 9.0
diemix 0.6
dilatmx 1.1
strprecon 0.5
chkprim 0
# kpoints
kptopt 1
ngkpt 4 4 4
nshiftk 1
shiftk 0.5 0.5 0.5
# computational optimization
#wfoptalg 4
#fft_opt_lob 2
#fftalg 401
paral_kgb 1
npband 32
npkpt 16
znucl [this info not needed for this help-discussion]
nband 160
natom [this info not needed for this help-discussion]
ntypat [this info not needed for this help-discussion]
typat [this info not needed for this help-discussion]
angdeg 9.0E+01 9.9E+01 9.0E+01
acell 1.155E+01 2.00E+01 2.474E+01
angdeg_lastimg 8.9E+01 9.8E+01 8.9E+01
acell_lastimg 1.156E+01 2.01E+01 2.49E+01
A. When I DO include a angdeg_lastimg and a acell_lastimg, the program just stops with no error following the start of the 2/7 image on the first iteration. Literally, there is no listing of an error in the log or out file. On some machines I do get a core dump.
B. When I do NOT include angdeg_lastimg but DO include acell_lastimg, the program bombs with this error:
--- !BUG
src_file: m_fftcore.F90
src_line: 3440
mpi_rank: 0
message: |
The variables ikg, mkmem, and mpw must satisfy ikg<=(mkmem-1)*mpw,
while the arguments of the routine are
ikg =5192, mkmem =4, mpw =1728
Probable cause: Known error in invars1 for parallel spin-polarized case.
Temporary solution: Change the number of parallel processes.
So? I think I tried this suggestion correctly a couple of times.. got all the way down to 1 processor. But still got same error.
C. When I do NOT include angdeg_lastimg and do NOT include acell_lastimg, the program runs fine.
HOWEVER: I NEED to define the final image and it DOES have a specified acell and angdeg different from the initial image.
What is the solution to this problem?
I have 32 kpoints and 160 bands so I use 512 processors == npband 32 * npkpt 16.
Here is my input file (without the xred coord lines):
ntimimage 28
nimage 7
imgmov 5 #NEB
neb_algo 1 #Henkelsman
#neb_spring 0.05 0.05 #default why? who TF knows
mep_solver 1
chksymbreak 0
fxcartfactor 10.0
tolimg 1.d-3
istatimg 1 # need the energies -- a 0 gives no energies
#dynimage 0 6*1
#nsppol 1
#prtwf 0
iscf 17
# optcell 2
# ionmov 2
nstep 500
ecutsm 0.5
toldfe 1.0d-3
#need van der waals
vdw_xc 7
ixc 11
ecut 25.0
diemac 9.0
diemix 0.6
dilatmx 1.1
strprecon 0.5
chkprim 0
# kpoints
kptopt 1
ngkpt 4 4 4
nshiftk 1
shiftk 0.5 0.5 0.5
# computational optimization
#wfoptalg 4
#fft_opt_lob 2
#fftalg 401
paral_kgb 1
npband 32
npkpt 16
znucl [this info not needed for this help-discussion]
nband 160
natom [this info not needed for this help-discussion]
ntypat [this info not needed for this help-discussion]
typat [this info not needed for this help-discussion]
angdeg 9.0E+01 9.9E+01 9.0E+01
acell 1.155E+01 2.00E+01 2.474E+01
angdeg_lastimg 8.9E+01 9.8E+01 8.9E+01
acell_lastimg 1.156E+01 2.01E+01 2.49E+01