Quasi-particle lifetimes / discription of GW output files
Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 11:18 pm
Hello abiniters,
After a pretty exhaustive search, I am wondering if abinit outputs quasi-particle lifetimes during the GW calculations when optdriver=3 or 4?
I noticed after a completed run for optdriver=4, some output files are produced....xo_SIG, xo_SGR, etc...would one of these files contain the lifetime information? I understand that the imaginary portion of the self-energy predicts lifetimes, but I have no idea where abinit outputs this info.
After a pretty exhaustive search, I am wondering if abinit outputs quasi-particle lifetimes during the GW calculations when optdriver=3 or 4?
I noticed after a completed run for optdriver=4, some output files are produced....xo_SIG, xo_SGR, etc...would one of these files contain the lifetime information? I understand that the imaginary portion of the self-energy predicts lifetimes, but I have no idea where abinit outputs this info.