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[SOLVED] Screening convergence - Mismatch in nkpt

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:42 pm
by jmullen

I am trying to apply the GW tutorial to graphene as practice for the GW calculations. In following the tutorial at
Section 2, I am attempting to adapt for my graphene system. However, I receive the error
"hdr_vs_dtset : WARNING - Mismatch in nkpt" in the log file. I am attaching the input file and log file. Can anyone offer any insight to what I am missing?

Jeff Mullen
NCSU Physics

P.S. I had to compress the log file and rename it in order to get it added as an attachment. If you need to see the log, rename it to and gunzip it.

Re: Screening convergence - Mismatch in nkpt

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:09 am
by Robin
Dear Jeff,

You can add the following parameters.

kptopt3 1
ngkpt3 1 1 1
nshiftk3 1
shiftk3 0 0 0

Guangfu Luo