ZrO2 phonon frequencies at X and arbitrary q-point

Phonons, DFPT, electron-phonon, electric-field response, mechanical response…

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ZrO2 phonon frequencies at X and arbitrary q-point

Post by ilukacevic » Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:28 am

Dear colleagues,

I'm trying to calculate phonon frequencies in cubic ZrO2. Previous attempt to find dispersions failed, for which I'm currently trying to find out what is happening when I go just a little from the Gamma point. For Gamma point I get a very good agreement with previous studies (even acoustic zeros without imposing asr), but as soon as I get away from it, results differ greatly. LO-TO splitting, dielectric constant and Born eff. charges are also reproduced correctly.

Since there is an instability at the X point, I tried to calculate these. Unfortunately, I get unstable transversal acoustic modes (both of them), instead of trans. optic one:

-3.672780E+02 -2.828415E+02 1.439990E+02 3.115149E+02 3.291936E+02 3.455205E+02 5.859111E+02 6.967360E+02 7.379747E+02

Previous theoretical study
-193 136 323 365 567 700

Similar thing happens when I try phonons at the q-point very close to Gamma. My acoustic modes immediately go imaginary, while they should be stable:

q-point 0.95000 0.95000 0.95000
Phonon frequencies in cm-1 :
- -1.750711E+02 -6.546669E+01 6.451006E+01 2.635530E+02 2.652804E+02
- 5.948007E+02 5.977425E+02 6.052206E+02 6.958626E+02

My input files for rf (at X) and anaddb (disp.) calc. are attached. I'm using abinit 5.8.4p on a linux cluster. All quantities are converged and I'm using the same psudos as in the previous study.

Could anyone help me with this problem?

Thank you in advance!

Igor Lukacevic
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