parallel_run error of abinit 3
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 10:01 pm
Dear all,
I'm always thankful for the help.
Continuously, I'm trying for parallelization of abinit from the end of last year.
I got advice in this forum twice so far to come on today's stage.
My former question was about error of the "libraries" when having started abinit by parallelization.
Thanks to your advice, I was able to disappear "libraries errors"that well.
#Because the record of the past exchanges was a long sentence, I made the following links
==New questions; parallel_run error of abinit < viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3171 >
When it was over, the following new error message occurred.
$ mpirun -np 8 -machinefile /home/appwg-3/my_hosts abinit < BaTiO3.files > BaTiO3.log
*Please refer to Log of attachment.
#my_hosts node00 slots=4 max-slots=4 node01 slots=4 max-slots=4
At this point in time I do not know what the cause is.
Would you tell me advice about this cause?
Please help me again.
Best regards,
(Haruyuki Satou)
I'm always thankful for the help.
Continuously, I'm trying for parallelization of abinit from the end of last year.
I got advice in this forum twice so far to come on today's stage.
My former question was about error of the "libraries" when having started abinit by parallelization.
Thanks to your advice, I was able to disappear "libraries errors"that well.
#Because the record of the past exchanges was a long sentence, I made the following links
==New questions; parallel_run error of abinit < viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3171 >
When it was over, the following new error message occurred.
$ mpirun -np 8 -machinefile /home/appwg-3/my_hosts abinit < BaTiO3.files > BaTiO3.log
root@node00:/home/appwg-3/BaTiO3_n8_cluster# mpirun -np 8 -machinefile /home/appwg-3/my_hosts abinit < BaTiO3.files > BaTiO3.log
Program received signal SIGILL: Illegal instruction.
Backtrace for this error:
Program received signal SIGILL: Illegal instruction.
Backtrace for this error:
#0 0x7f1e27e2f642
#1 0x7f1e27e2fd7e
#2 0x7f1e2756bd3f
#3 0x11e4a4f
#4 0xdb6a3c
#5 0xdac65e
#6 0xd7e8e1
#7 0xd24655
#8 0x478548
#9 0x47814c
#0 0x7fada22d5642
#1 0x7fada22d5d7e
#2 0x7fada1a11d3f
#3 0x11e4a4f
#4 0xdb6a3c
#5 0xdac65e
#6 0xd7e8e1
#7 0xd24655
#8 0x478548
#9 0x47814c
#10 0x7fada19fcec4
#11 0x47817c
#12 0xffffffffffffffff
#10 0x7f1e27556ec4
#11 0x47817c
#12 0xffffffffffffffff
Program received signal SIGILL: Illegal instruction.
Backtrace for this error:
#0 0x7f7a4b4bc642
#1 0x7f7a4b4bcd7e
#2 0x7f7a4abf8d3f
#3 0x11e4a4f
#4 0xdb6a3c
#5 0xdac65e
#6 0xd7e8e1
#7 0xd24655
#8 0x478548
#9 0x47814c
#10 0x7f7a4abe3ec4
#11 0x47817c
#12 0xffffffffffffffff
Program received signal SIGILL: Illegal instruction.
Backtrace for this error:
#0 0x7f7bb9b29642
#1 0x7f7bb9b29d7e
#2 0x7f7bb9265d3f
#3 0x11e4a4f
#4 0xdb6a3c
#5 0xdac65e
#6 0xd7e8e1
#7 0xd24655
#8 0x478548
#9 0x47814c
#10 0x7f7bb9250ec4
#11 0x47817c
#12 0xffffffffffffffff
mpirun noticed that process rank 6 with PID 3539 on node node01 exited on signal 4 (Illegal instruction).
*Please refer to Log of attachment.
#my_hosts node00 slots=4 max-slots=4 node01 slots=4 max-slots=4
At this point in time I do not know what the cause is.
Would you tell me advice about this cause?
Please help me again.
Best regards,
(Haruyuki Satou)