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Error resuming an ABINIT job

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 4:26 pm
by duran3618
My header checks out ok but I get an mvrecord error after that.
Attached are my output and input files.
Anyone knows what is wrong here?

0.8571429 0.9666663 0.0000000 | 0.8571429 0.9666663 0.0000000
0.9285715 0.9333339 0.0000000 | 0.9285715 0.9333339 0.0000000
0.9285715 0.8666663 0.0000000 | 0.9285715 0.8666663 0.0000000
hdr_check: Wavefunction file is OK for direct restart of calculation
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file bare_graphene_40Hai_WFK
initwf : disk file gives npw=536820 nband= 298 for kpt number= 1
initwf : 298 bands have been initialized from disk
REAL: Data type name: REAL(DP)
Kind value: 8
Precision: 15
Smallest nonnegligible quantity relative to 1: 0.22204460E-15
Smallest positive number: 0.22250739-307
Largest representable number: 0.17976931+309
INTEGER: Data type name: INTEGER(default)
Kind value: 4
Bit size: 32
Largest representable number: 2147483647
LOGICAL: Data type name: LOGICAL
Kind value: 4
CHARACTER: Data type name: CHARACTER Kind value: 1
==== Using MPI-2 specifications ====
MPI-IO support is ON
xmpi_tag_ub ................ 536870911
xmpi_bsize_ch .............. 1
xmpi_bsize_int ............. 4
xmpi_bsize_sp .............. 4
xmpi_bsize_dp .............. 8
xmpi_bsize_spc ............. 8
xmpi_bsize_dpc ............. 16
xmpio_bsize_frm ............ 4
xmpi_address_kind .......... 8
xmpi_offset_kind ........... 8
MPI_WTICK .................. 1.000000000000000E-006


=== Build Information ===
Version : 7.10.4
Build target : x86_64_linux_intel14.0
Build date : 20151013

=== Compiler Suite ===
C compiler : intel14.0
C++ compiler : gnu14.0
Fortran compiler : intel14.0
FC_LDFLAGS : -static-intel -static-libgcc

=== Optimizations ===
Debug level : basic
Optimization level : standard
Architecture : intel_xeon

=== Multicore ===
Parallel build : yes
Parallel I/O : auto
openMP support : no
GPU support : no

=== Connectors / Fallbacks ===
Connectors on : yes
Fallbacks on : yes
DFT flavor : libxc+atompaw
FFT flavor : none
LINALG flavor : netlib
MATH flavor : none
TIMER flavor : abinit
TRIO flavor : netcdf+etsf_io+fox

=== Experimental features ===
Bindings : @enable_bindings@
Exports : no
GW double-precision : no


--- !ERROR
message: |
error in mvrecord
src_file: m_wffile.F90
src_line: 1826