EPFL: software and web engineers (and postdocs)

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Joined: Thu Dec 04, 2014 1:01 pm

EPFL: software and web engineers (and postdocs)

Post by marzari » Thu Dec 04, 2014 1:59 pm

Dear Abiniters,

this is to advertise two positions we have at EPFL for programmers/
software engineers (SE), and one for a web engineer (WE).

The listings are below - the SE positions could also have a significant
research component, and so suitable for a postdoctoral position
shared between research and development (salaries for postdocs start
slightly higher, at 81700 CHF/year). Note that there will be also
a couple of full time postdoctoral positions (on Wannier-based many-body
approaches, and on elastic/inelastic quantum transport), appearing in
a few days.

One goal we are particularly keen is the integration of AiiDA with the
different open source quantum engines - and formats for I/O (XML et al.).
While the expertise here is more on the Quantum-ESPRESSO side, it would
be great to be more catholic! (double pun intended).

Many thanks for your attention,

nicola marzari

