Tests failure Ubuntu 2x_Xeon Intel 2017 compilers

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Tests failure Ubuntu 2x_Xeon Intel 2017 compilers

Post by korepashka » Mon Nov 28, 2016 8:40 am

Dear colleagues,
we are trying to set-up Abinit under Ubuntu 16.04 (2x6-core Xeon, with Intel compilers), and always get severe failures during the tests. (Configure and make seem ok at a first glance).
Can anyone help us to figure out what we are doing wrong?
configure log
(661.47 KiB) Downloaded 318 times

Below are the parameters used to configure:

Code: Select all

with-linalg-incs="-I/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017/linux/mkl/include/intel64/lp64 -I/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2016/linux/mkl/include"
with-linalg-libs="-L/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017/linux/mkl/lib/intel64 -lmkl_blas95_lp64 -lmkl_lapack95_lp64 -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_core -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_blacs_openmpi_lp64 -lpthread -lm -ldl"
with-fft-libs="-L/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017/linux/mkl/interfaces -lfftw3xf -lfftw2xc -lfftw2x_cdft -lfftw2xf -lfftw3xc -lfftw3x_cdft"
# enable-64bit-flags FCFLAGS_EXTRA="-O2 -axAVX,SSE4.2" CFLAGS_EXTRA="-O2 -axAVX,SSE4.2" CXXFLAGS_EXTRA="-O2 -axAVX,SSE4.2"
enable_fc_wrapper = "yes"

The output of the test command:

Code: Select all

vitaly@parovoz:~/Abinit/abinit-8.0.8i$ make tests_in
make test_fast test_v1 test_v5 test_bigdft test_etsf_io test_libxc test_wannier90
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/vitaly/Abinit/abinit-8.0.8i'
cp ./src/98_main/abinit ./tests/built-in/Input/abinit && cd ./tests/built-in/Input && ./abinit < testin_fast.files >& testin_fast.stdout && cat testin_fast_tmp_STATUS && rm -f abinit *DDB *EIG *out* *nc *WFK
 Status file, reporting on built-in test fast
 ==> The run finished cleanly.
     Moreover, comparison of the total energy, and other (few) relevant quantities with reference values has been successful.
     This does not mean that no problem is present, however.
     Please run the complete set of ABINIT tests to gain a better confidence in your installation.
cp ./src/98_main/abinit ./tests/built-in/Input/abinit && cd ./tests/built-in/Input && ./abinit < testin_v1.files >& testin_v1.stdout && cat testin_v1_tmp_STATUS && rm -f abinit *DDB *EIG *out* *nc *WFK
 Status file, reporting on built-in test v1
 ==> The run finished cleanly.
     Moreover, comparison of the total energy, and other (few) relevant quantities with reference values has been successful.
     This does not mean that no problem is present, however.
     Please run the complete set of ABINIT tests to gain a better confidence in your installation.
cp ./src/98_main/abinit ./tests/built-in/Input/abinit && cd ./tests/built-in/Input && ./abinit < testin_v5.files >& testin_v5.stdout && cat testin_v5_tmp_STATUS && rm -f abinit *DDB *EIG *out* *nc *WFK
 Status file, reporting on built-in test v5
 ==> The run finished cleanly.
     Moreover, comparison of the total energy, and other (few) relevant quantities with reference values has been successful.
     This does not mean that no problem is present, however.
     Please run the complete set of ABINIT tests to gain a better confidence in your installation.
cp ./src/98_main/abinit ./tests/built-in/Input/abinit && cd ./tests/built-in/Input && ./abinit < testin_bigdft.files >& testin_bigdft.stdout && cat testin_bigdft_tmp_STATUS && rm -f abinit *DDB *EIG *out* *nc *WFK
 Status file, reporting on built-in test bigdft
 Error for total energy :
        expected  -0.56231990141000D+00  with maximum   deviation  0.3000D-06
        computed   0.20160902914790D+02  with effective deviation  0.2072D+02
 Error for stress strten(1)
        expected  -0.22537238382000D-01  with maximum   deviation  0.1000D-06
        computed  -0.11695375134221D+00  with effective deviation  0.9442D-01
 Error for stress strten(2)
        expected  -0.22536232141000D-01  with maximum   deviation  0.1000D-06
        computed  -0.11353580559692D+00  with effective deviation  0.9100D-01
 Error for stress strten(3)
        expected  -0.22529038043000D-01  with maximum   deviation  0.1000D-06
        computed  -0.23077584492658D+00  with effective deviation  0.2082D+00
 Error for stress strten(4)
        expected   0.39104928264000D-06  with maximum   deviation  0.1000D-06
        computed  -0.59820755493547D-02  with effective deviation  0.5982D-02
 Error for stress strten(5)
        expected   0.62823846408000D-06  with maximum   deviation  0.1000D-06
        computed  -0.23795935555632D-02  with effective deviation  0.2380D-02
 Error for stress strten(6)
        expected   0.38414124658992D-09  with maximum   deviation  0.1000D-06
        computed   0.29660661083105D-01  with effective deviation  0.2966D-01
cp ./src/98_main/abinit ./tests/built-in/Input/abinit && cd ./tests/built-in/Input && ./abinit < testin_etsf_io.files >& testin_etsf_io.stdout && cat testin_etsf_io_tmp_STATUS && rm -f abinit *DDB *EIG *out* *nc *WFK
Makefile:2593: recipe for target 'test_etsf_io' failed
make[1]: *** [test_etsf_io] Error 13
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/vitaly/Abinit/abinit-8.0.8i'
Makefile:2602: recipe for target 'tests_in' failed
make: *** [tests_in] Error 2
