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Bug fix of

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 5:02 pm
by qnclqq
Hi everyone,

I do not know if someone else have posted a same topic. If so, tell me and I will delete this one.

Recently, when I use (Version 1.3, coded 2010), phthon goes wrong with the message "line 841 *** ValueError: could not convert string to float: =".

Then I check the code to know what happens to cause this failed. Finally, I find when the code try to find the value of "natom", it appear as "natom = **" and "atom **" in different lines.

So I add a if to fix this bug,


Code: Select all

            if starter[i].split()[0] == 'natom%s' %n or starter[i].split()[0] == 'natom':


Code: Select all

            if starter[i].split()[0] == 'natom%s' %n or starter[i].split()[0] == 'natom':
                if starter[i].split()[1] == '=':

The following code according to "nband" and "occopt" should also be changed.

As *.py is not allowed as an attachment, I upload the fixed one with extension "in".

Re: Bug fix of

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 12:20 am
by mverstra
Hello "q",

thanks - I have added this to the latest developer branch. Should be out in the next-next release 8.6 in a few months.