Posdoppler Problems [SOLVED]
Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 3:52 pm
Im a Master student at the Technichal University of Munich working on CDBS measurements and their simulation. My main topic is on a new and improved data analysis of two dimensional CDBB spectra alongside with DBS and CDBS measurements on oxide heterostructures.
In order to verify my data analysis I would like to compare my results against previous measurements and simulation results of selected bulk materials.
For this I chose Al, Au, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Si as all of those has been measured previously by our group. For the simulation I chose to use Abinit. Now I do have some problems in obtaining valid results from the posdoppler module in Abinit and am thus looking for some advice or help in determining the error.
I started with the example from the internal test t35 from version 7 of Abinit. First I determined appropriate values for ecut, pawecut and made use oft the optcell mechanism to test my model. Lastly I did some positron calculations with varying posocc in order to get a bulk doppler spectra and positron lifetime.
For the paw potentials I chose the ones provided by the web page of Abinit and generated the core wave function files by modifying the output part of the correspondent input files, enclosed in the XML files.
The doppler output generated with the post processing script posdopspectra.F90 seem to be quite unreasonable. The raw rho_xxx files start with negative numbers and the overall shape does not match what I expected. Assuming that rho is a probability negative numbers negative values are obviously wrong. Further the information in the doppler_out file isn't any better.
The resolution seems not to change with the chosen FWHM and is quite coarse all the time. The convoluted probabilities are also often in the range lower 1e-150 whereas the raw ones are in the order of 1e-9. As to verify my paw input files I choose aluminium where the Abinit Psps for tests provided me with a GGA type PAW pseudopotential. With this Input the results seem to be in much better coincidence with the experimental results. Now I examined my Input files but couldn't identify any significant differences. I further change my input to a GGA from an LDA without any major changes in the results.
If you want to take a look at my input and output I uploaded some recent ones here:
https://tumde-my.sharepoint.com/persona ... YwPnplCTdU
If you do have further questions I'm happy to answer them.
Best regards
Eicke Hecht
Im a Master student at the Technichal University of Munich working on CDBS measurements and their simulation. My main topic is on a new and improved data analysis of two dimensional CDBB spectra alongside with DBS and CDBS measurements on oxide heterostructures.
In order to verify my data analysis I would like to compare my results against previous measurements and simulation results of selected bulk materials.
For this I chose Al, Au, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Si as all of those has been measured previously by our group. For the simulation I chose to use Abinit. Now I do have some problems in obtaining valid results from the posdoppler module in Abinit and am thus looking for some advice or help in determining the error.
I started with the example from the internal test t35 from version 7 of Abinit. First I determined appropriate values for ecut, pawecut and made use oft the optcell mechanism to test my model. Lastly I did some positron calculations with varying posocc in order to get a bulk doppler spectra and positron lifetime.
For the paw potentials I chose the ones provided by the web page of Abinit and generated the core wave function files by modifying the output part of the correspondent input files, enclosed in the XML files.
The doppler output generated with the post processing script posdopspectra.F90 seem to be quite unreasonable. The raw rho_xxx files start with negative numbers and the overall shape does not match what I expected. Assuming that rho is a probability negative numbers negative values are obviously wrong. Further the information in the doppler_out file isn't any better.
The resolution seems not to change with the chosen FWHM and is quite coarse all the time. The convoluted probabilities are also often in the range lower 1e-150 whereas the raw ones are in the order of 1e-9. As to verify my paw input files I choose aluminium where the Abinit Psps for tests provided me with a GGA type PAW pseudopotential. With this Input the results seem to be in much better coincidence with the experimental results. Now I examined my Input files but couldn't identify any significant differences. I further change my input to a GGA from an LDA without any major changes in the results.
If you want to take a look at my input and output I uploaded some recent ones here:
https://tumde-my.sharepoint.com/persona ... YwPnplCTdU
If you do have further questions I'm happy to answer them.
Best regards
Eicke Hecht