Non Linear calculation input for ferromagnetic system
Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 7:11 pm
Dear Abinit users
The new implementation of DFPT for non-linear response (usepead = 0) works for collinear spin polarized system.
but in the test file, all the test of this implementation use the variable spinmagtarget=0.
I think for that case, the system must be Anti-ferromagnetic, right?
The real problem is, when I try to do the non-linear response for the FM system. I cannot set the spinmagtarget to any other value but zero like the error i got:
--- !ERROR
src_file: m_chkinp.F90
src_line: 2888
mpi_rank: 0
message: |
spinmagntarget was input as 2.00
For a response function run, spinmagntarget is required to be 0.0d0 or the default value.
Action: modify value spinmagntarget or nsppol in input file.
From the tutorial, I know that one can decide the total spin-polarization by using a metallic value for occopt(e.g. 4 7),
But seems the input variable optdriver=5 is contradiction with the occopt not equal to 1 since i got this error:
chkint_prt: ERROR -
Context: the value of the variable usepead is 0.
Context: the value of the variable optdriver is 5.
The value of the input variable occopt is 4, while it must be
equal to 1
Action: you should change one of the input variables occopt,
usepead or optdriver.
I have confirmed that my system is insulating by doing the band structure calculation.
In this situation, I cannot do the non-linear response calculation neither using spinmagtarget nor metallic value occopt.
Is there any other way to determine the spin-polarization in the non-linear response?
The new implementation of DFPT for non-linear response (usepead = 0) works for collinear spin polarized system.
but in the test file, all the test of this implementation use the variable spinmagtarget=0.
I think for that case, the system must be Anti-ferromagnetic, right?
The real problem is, when I try to do the non-linear response for the FM system. I cannot set the spinmagtarget to any other value but zero like the error i got:
--- !ERROR
src_file: m_chkinp.F90
src_line: 2888
mpi_rank: 0
message: |
spinmagntarget was input as 2.00
For a response function run, spinmagntarget is required to be 0.0d0 or the default value.
Action: modify value spinmagntarget or nsppol in input file.
From the tutorial, I know that one can decide the total spin-polarization by using a metallic value for occopt(e.g. 4 7),
But seems the input variable optdriver=5 is contradiction with the occopt not equal to 1 since i got this error:
chkint_prt: ERROR -
Context: the value of the variable usepead is 0.
Context: the value of the variable optdriver is 5.
The value of the input variable occopt is 4, while it must be
equal to 1
Action: you should change one of the input variables occopt,
usepead or optdriver.
I have confirmed that my system is insulating by doing the band structure calculation.
In this situation, I cannot do the non-linear response calculation neither using spinmagtarget nor metallic value occopt.
Is there any other way to determine the spin-polarization in the non-linear response?