Abinit-7.6.4 + magma-1.4.1 + CUDA

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Joined: Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:13 am

Abinit-7.6.4 + magma-1.4.1 + CUDA

Post by narender78 » Fri Jul 18, 2014 7:33 pm

I have install abinit-7.6.4 with MKL successfully but during running program it is through error.


Give name for formatted input file:

Give name for formatted output file:

Give root name for generic input files:

Give root name for generic output files:

Give root name for generic temporary files:

- input file -> tgspw_01.in
- output file -> tgspw_01.out
- root for input files -> tgspw_01.i
- root for output files -> tgspw_01.o
-instrng : 147 lines of input have been read from file tgspw_01.in
iofn2 : Please give name of formatted atomic psp file iofn2 : for atom type 1 , psp file is 79au.pspnc

forrtl: No such file or directory
forrtl: severe (29): file not found, unit 9, file /home/dhruva3_adm/test-gpu/fort.9

Please help me on this issue.
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Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:45 pm

Re: Abinit-7.6.4 + magma-1.4.1 + CUDA

Post by raul_l » Sat Jul 19, 2014 6:08 pm

You must correctly specify the full or relative path of the pseudopotential.
Raul Laasner
Netherlands Institute for Space Research
