[SOLVED] Not able to configure abinit-6.10.1
Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:00 pm
Dear all:
I am new to abinit. I have been trying to configure the 6.10.1 version in on of my group's server with no success.
First I have typed:
./configure --enable-mpi=no FC=/opt/intel/composerxe-2011.0.084/bin/intel64/ifort
So far so good. After a while I get the "go" message to continue and do make. Then I do
make mj4
And after a while it seems to be finished correctly. Nevertheless when I try doing the first test:
make testin_1
I get
echo "Running built-in test in_1"
Running built-in test in_1
cd tests ; /usr/bin/perl .././tests/Scripts/run-basic-tests.pl built-in in_1 /home/wychem/rs244/abinit-6.10.1
../../../src/98_main/abinit: error while loading shared libraries: libifport.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Could anyone give me some guidance on this?. It would be greatly appreciated!!!
I am new to abinit. I have been trying to configure the 6.10.1 version in on of my group's server with no success.
First I have typed:
./configure --enable-mpi=no FC=/opt/intel/composerxe-2011.0.084/bin/intel64/ifort
So far so good. After a while I get the "go" message to continue and do make. Then I do
make mj4
And after a while it seems to be finished correctly. Nevertheless when I try doing the first test:
make testin_1
I get
echo "Running built-in test in_1"
Running built-in test in_1
cd tests ; /usr/bin/perl .././tests/Scripts/run-basic-tests.pl built-in in_1 /home/wychem/rs244/abinit-6.10.1
../../../src/98_main/abinit: error while loading shared libraries: libifport.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Could anyone give me some guidance on this?. It would be greatly appreciated!!!