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The Magnetisation of 25at.%Cu_75at.%Ni alloy

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:14 pm
by hisap-nano
Dear all:

i set up a FCC structure with 4 atoms, one of them is Cu, and rest three are Ni. i used this structure to represent ordered 25at.%Cu_75at.%Ni alloy. generally speaking, it is ferromagnetic, but after geometric optimization, the output magnetisation is so small as Magnetisation (Bohr magneton)= 7.84109020E-04
Total spin up = 2.95003921E+01 Total spin down = 2.94996079E+01
i don't known what's going on :( , is there anyone would like give me a hand?! thanks a lot in advance!

the attached are the input file and potential files