parallization and crashing
Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:36 am
Do RF calculations parallelize? I cannot make it work.
When I set paral_rf and ngroup_rf the code segmentation faults straight away.
When I try to use any other kind of parallelization I get an error message like the following:
-P-0000 leave_test : error - 4 processors are not answering. Exiting...
I've tried this input file with abinit 6.2.4 and 6.4. I've also tried using gfortran/openmpi intel fortran/openmpi and intel fortran/mpich2 same problem for all.
here is my input file:
chkprim 0 # bomb if cell is not primative
ndtset 2 # number of data sets (a strange, yet wonderful, ABINIT feature)
vacwidth 5 # a gap (in Bohr) longer than this settings becomes flagged as a vacuum
boxcutmin 2 # controls accuracy in reciprocal space 2.0 is exact, matters for response function calculations
nstep 200 # maximum number of SCF cycles
localrdwf 0 # each processor uses its own local input files
occopt 1 # controls how the code fills orbitals, includes temperature effects
nsppol 1 # do spin polarized calculation
iprcel 0 # set the preconditioner
ecut 25 # cut off for fourier shape-functions
ixc 2 # sets the exchange-correlation functional
iscf 5 # specifies algorithm for scf iteration
iscf2 5 # specifies algorithm for scf iteration
tolvrs 1e-20 # convergence tolerance
nsym 0 # number of symmetries, 0=automatic
tsmear 5e-07 # sets the temperature corresponding to the occopt
ecutsm 2.5e-06 # slightly reduces the KE of the highest-frequency modes stabilizing relaxation
irdwfk 0 # controls where starting wave function comes from
irdden 0 # controls where the starting density comes from
prtwf 1 # print the wave function
prtden 0 # write the charge density to disk
prteig 0 # write out the energy eigenvalues
nshiftk 1 # number of k-point shifts
shiftk 0 0 0 #
kptopt 1 # use full symmetry to generate the kpoints
ngkpt 12 12 12 #
# The array of lattice constants
acell 10.1975585743926 10.1975585743926 10.1975585743926
# Atomic data
ntypat 1 # number of atoms (and psuedopotential lines) to read in
typat # specify atom type
1 # the index of the atom
1 # the index of the atom
natom 2 # number of atoms
0 0 0
0.25 0.25 0.25
0.505 0.5 0
0 0.5 0.5
0.505 0 0.5
kptopt2 2
nqpt2 1 # number of q-points for the response-function calculation
qpt2 0 0 0 # mechanical behavior depends upon only the lowest modes
rfstrs2 3 # compute both shear and uniaxial strains
rfphon2 1 # the phonon response function calculation is used for relaxing the anadb results
rfatpol2 1 2 # perturb all the atoms
rfdir2 1 1 1 # compute the perturbation in all directions
getwfk2 -1
istwfk *1
#ngroup_rf 5
#paral_rf 1
#nproc_kpt 5
paral_kgb 1
npband 5
npfft 1
npkpt 1
wfoptalg 4
fftalg 401
Do RF calculations parallelize? I cannot make it work.
When I set paral_rf and ngroup_rf the code segmentation faults straight away.
When I try to use any other kind of parallelization I get an error message like the following:
-P-0000 leave_test : error - 4 processors are not answering. Exiting...
I've tried this input file with abinit 6.2.4 and 6.4. I've also tried using gfortran/openmpi intel fortran/openmpi and intel fortran/mpich2 same problem for all.
here is my input file:
chkprim 0 # bomb if cell is not primative
ndtset 2 # number of data sets (a strange, yet wonderful, ABINIT feature)
vacwidth 5 # a gap (in Bohr) longer than this settings becomes flagged as a vacuum
boxcutmin 2 # controls accuracy in reciprocal space 2.0 is exact, matters for response function calculations
nstep 200 # maximum number of SCF cycles
localrdwf 0 # each processor uses its own local input files
occopt 1 # controls how the code fills orbitals, includes temperature effects
nsppol 1 # do spin polarized calculation
iprcel 0 # set the preconditioner
ecut 25 # cut off for fourier shape-functions
ixc 2 # sets the exchange-correlation functional
iscf 5 # specifies algorithm for scf iteration
iscf2 5 # specifies algorithm for scf iteration
tolvrs 1e-20 # convergence tolerance
nsym 0 # number of symmetries, 0=automatic
tsmear 5e-07 # sets the temperature corresponding to the occopt
ecutsm 2.5e-06 # slightly reduces the KE of the highest-frequency modes stabilizing relaxation
irdwfk 0 # controls where starting wave function comes from
irdden 0 # controls where the starting density comes from
prtwf 1 # print the wave function
prtden 0 # write the charge density to disk
prteig 0 # write out the energy eigenvalues
nshiftk 1 # number of k-point shifts
shiftk 0 0 0 #
kptopt 1 # use full symmetry to generate the kpoints
ngkpt 12 12 12 #
# The array of lattice constants
acell 10.1975585743926 10.1975585743926 10.1975585743926
# Atomic data
ntypat 1 # number of atoms (and psuedopotential lines) to read in
typat # specify atom type
1 # the index of the atom
1 # the index of the atom
natom 2 # number of atoms
0 0 0
0.25 0.25 0.25
0.505 0.5 0
0 0.5 0.5
0.505 0 0.5
kptopt2 2
nqpt2 1 # number of q-points for the response-function calculation
qpt2 0 0 0 # mechanical behavior depends upon only the lowest modes
rfstrs2 3 # compute both shear and uniaxial strains
rfphon2 1 # the phonon response function calculation is used for relaxing the anadb results
rfatpol2 1 2 # perturb all the atoms
rfdir2 1 1 1 # compute the perturbation in all directions
getwfk2 -1
istwfk *1
#ngroup_rf 5
#paral_rf 1
#nproc_kpt 5
paral_kgb 1
npband 5
npfft 1
npkpt 1
wfoptalg 4
fftalg 401