Hello abinit users,
I am trying to relax structure of monolayer In2Se3.
It turns out that output file shows weird result which means x an y coordinates of ions doesn't change but z coordinates has weird result. But relaxation shouldn't produce such weird result.
The input file is as follows
optcell 0
ionmov 3
ntime 20
dilatmx 1.1
ecutsm 0.5
autoparal 1
ecut 30.0
kptopt 1
ngkpt 6 6 1
nshiftk 1
shiftk 0.0 0.0 0.5
toldfe 1e-10
nstep 300
tolmxf 5.0d-6
natom 5
ntypat 2
6.5887536421 3.8040186889 0.0000000000000000
-6.5887536421 3.8040186889 0.0000000000000000
0.0000000000 0.0000000000 66.140414361901960
vacuum is along z axis of 35 Angstrom.
1 1 2 2 2
2.1962512140 3.8040186889 3.9740940401
2.1962512140 3.8040186889 9.3201292467
2.1962512140 3.8040186889 1.5448511069
-2.1962512140 3.8040186889 5.1306064284
0.0000000000 0.0000000000 7.9992106855
znucl 49 34
#== Other ==#
nspinor 1
prtden 1
prtwf 0
The output of log file is
xcart 2.1962512140E+00 3.8040186889E+00 -1.8626829133E+03
2.1962512140E+00 3.8040186889E+00 -1.6728811305E+03
2.1962512140E+00 3.8040186889E+00 -1.8863907632E+03
-2.1962512141E+00 3.8040186889E+00 6.6436517266E+02
-3.3333659690E-11 -7.0388485575E-16 4.7855585259E+03
Comparing input and output xcart coordinates shows that there is no displacement of x and y coordinates of ion but drastic change in the z coordinates.
on top of that i got warning which says
scprqt: WARNING -
nstep= 300 was not enough SCF cycles to converge;
maximum energy difference= 4.022E-06 exceeds toldfe= 1.000E-10
Could you please tell me why such weird result pops out?
Could you please tell me any error in input files?
Any suggestion would be highly appreciated.
Thank you
Structural optimization for monolayer In2Se3
Moderator: bguster