Postdoctoral opportunities with X. Gonze (U. C. Louvain)
Several postdoctoral opportunities in the framework of a joint
European Union - Louvain agreement are available, with start
between April 2013 and mid-September 2013.
The applicant will work on one of the following topics :
- Understanding luminescence in rare-earth doped materials, for white-LED applications ;
- Polaronic and electron-electron interaction effects on the effective masses of charge carriers, with application to
transparent conducting oxides ;
- First-principle computation of optical and resonant Raman spectra of solids, especially for multiferroics materials.
All topics will rely on advanced theories, like many-body perturbation theory (GW + Bethe-Salpeter for electronic structure and optical response beyond density functional theory), and density-functional perturbation theory (for the treatment of phonons).
They will include a mix of software development and applications to materials (undoped or doped).
Implementations will be done in the ABINIT software application (, whose development
is synchronized at UC Louvain. The postdoctoral researcher will be trained in the use of modern tools for software development. Excellent computational infrastructure will be available for this project (UC Louvain as well as regional levels).
The candidate is expected to possess a solid background in density-functional theory, and either many-body perturbation theory or density-functional perturbation theory. Previous experience of scientific code development using Fortran 90/95 will be very much appreciated.
The postdoctoral stay might be between 12 and 24 months.
The details of the EU - Louvain agreement can be found at (including information about the salary).
Communication of the selected applicant will be on March 1st 2013. For very bright candidates,
the start might be earlier (January 1st 2013).
If interested, please, contact X. Gonze before 26 August 2012 with a CV, a motivation letter, and the name of two or three scientists who could give recommendation.