[SOLVED] Linalg detection

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[SOLVED] Linalg detection

Post by mverstra » Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:44 pm

I don't want to compile BLAS/LAPACK ever again! This is primitive, and we (well, sorry Yann, I mean you) should automate native linalg detection by default.

I know, I know <grumble>
with_linalg_libs="-L/cvos/shared/apps/gotoblas/penryn/64/1.26/ -lgoto -llapack"

At least trying -lblas -llapack before defaulting to abinit libs


PS: how do I delete my other post under bazaar?
Matthieu Verstraete
University of Liege, Belgium

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Re: Linalg detection

Post by pouillon » Tue Dec 01, 2009 7:42 pm

I've been having plans for an improved linalg support for a few years now, and have already made a few unsuccessful attempts. It slowly goes to higher and higher priority ranks on my todo list, but there are many other emergencies. Difficult to choose what to do first, sometimes ...

If the weather is sufficiently bad for Christmas, Santa Claus might bring some linalg support for Linux. ;)
Yann Pouillon
Simune Atomistics
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Re: Linalg detection

Post by mverstra » Sat Mar 06, 2010 1:23 pm

Looks like it works, but now (latest 6.1 trunk merge) I have a missing object: Matteo has added ilaver to a module, and this is not packaged in my distro /usr/lib64/liblapack.so.3 in CVOS. Problem...

Could either Matteo remove this from src/53_abiutil/m_abilasi.F90 or Yann add a test for ilaver in the lapack detection? We could also consider "patching" and adding the 2-3 routines that are not in all distrib lapacks to a "snack" library to be added to the main lapack if needed. Is it that ilaver only exists in recent distributions of lapack? In that case we need a metatest before calling it.

Why the @$^@#^@! don't they package a complete and full lapack distribution? What the hell is hard about this?

Matthieu Verstraete
University of Liege, Belgium

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Re: Linalg detection

Post by torrent » Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:32 am


We had the same problem (missing ilaver) one month ago...
We used mkl8 on one of our distro. I was able to compile by adding manually ilaver.o.
Now, on the same architecture, we are in mkl10 and everything is OK.
An idea is perhaps to furnish ilaver.f90 in the package (temporarilly)... or suppress it... or furnish a fake version of it...

Marc Torrent
CEA - Bruyères-le-Chatel

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Re: Linalg detection

Post by mverstra » Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:19 pm

Or to not use it if it is not vital...
Matthieu Verstraete
University of Liege, Belgium
