Spinor wavefunction from cut3d

MULTIBINIT, aTDEP, ANADDB, optics, cut3d, mrg* postprocessors

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Spinor wavefunction from cut3d

Post by Sunny » Mon Jul 08, 2013 4:25 pm


I'm trying to do some grouptheoretical calculations with the wavefunctions which I can get from cut3d.

My calculations with materials, which can be calculated without spin-orbit-coupling (like Cu or GaP) show perfect results compared with theory. But when I want to do grouptheoretical projections of spinor wavefunctions (for e.g. SnTe), I notice, that I have to "rotate" the spinor components by a certain angle to get the results, which I expect.

To rotate the spinor, I extract both components with cut3d and place the field in a vector. The I apply a standard rotationmatrix to get my modified spinor. I noticed, that an angle of pi/4 suits my needs for every k-point in a bandstructure along W-L-G-X-K-G.

Are the spinor-components not aligned to the z-axis, or is there something else, I didn't notice?

Thanks in advance!


BTW: The names of the output files for the two spinor components are the same and thus are overwritten by eachother...

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Re: Spinor wavefunction from cut3d

Post by mverstra » Tue May 27, 2014 12:51 am

Hi, sounds interesting. Would you consider showing us what you use to project the wf?

At any rate, the default L in L.s is oriented according to the normal axes, with z along z... The rotation you describe does sound suspicious in that it is the same for all k along a path with very different directions. Which unit cell are you using? How do you know you get what you expect? I would have imagined the expressions for the irreps would be summed over spinor index and independent of the rotation, but perhaps not.

PS: I have added a suffix for the spinor component in an upcoming version of abinit.


Matthieu Verstraete
University of Liege, Belgium
