a stressful convergence problem
Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 8:02 am
Dear Abinit users and developer,
I substituted some hydrogen atoms of a relaxed large polycyclic aromatic molecule (54 carbon atoms and 18 hydrogen)molecule with oxygen groups (i.e. hydroxyl -OH and carboxyl -COOH ) then try to relax the system again with ionomov=2, when i encountered convergence problem. The force only convergence for the first Broyd/MD run and the following Broyd/MD ran up to several hundred SCF steps without reaching convergence. I have tried LDA (TM type psp for LDA), GGA(TM-type psp .fhi), increasing both supercell size and ecut, however, nothing works.
Could anybody please shed some light on how to solve my convergence problem?
I am running abinit-7.4.3_i686_cygwin_gnu4.7 windows 64bit version. Could this be a problem of abinit configuration.
I substituted some hydrogen atoms of a relaxed large polycyclic aromatic molecule (54 carbon atoms and 18 hydrogen)molecule with oxygen groups (i.e. hydroxyl -OH and carboxyl -COOH ) then try to relax the system again with ionomov=2, when i encountered convergence problem. The force only convergence for the first Broyd/MD run and the following Broyd/MD ran up to several hundred SCF steps without reaching convergence. I have tried LDA (TM type psp for LDA), GGA(TM-type psp .fhi), increasing both supercell size and ecut, however, nothing works.
Could anybody please shed some light on how to solve my convergence problem?
I am running abinit-7.4.3_i686_cygwin_gnu4.7 windows 64bit version. Could this be a problem of abinit configuration.