1st TYC workshop on Energy Materials - 2nd Announcement
This two-day workshop brings together experimentalists, theorists and
computational scientists working in the broad area of energy materials.
-Materials for hydrogen and energy storage
-Materials for (photo)-electrochemical energy conversion
-Materials for energy harvesting
Program, Registration, Poster abstract submission:
http://www.thomasyoungcentre.org/events ... nd-devices
7-9 September 2010
Department of Chemistry, University College London, WC1E 6BT, London, UK
The program consists of invited talks and a poster session. All
participants are
encouraged to present a poster highlighting their recent work.
Early registration and poster abstract submission 31 July 2010.
Early registration fee £25. Late registration fee £35, from 1 August 2010.
There is no student discount
Dr. Jochen Blumberger
University College London
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK
email: j.blumberger@ucl.ac.uk
tel: ++44 (0)20-7679-4373