Thermal conductivity by Conducti
Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 7:58 pm
I am using 'conducti' to obtain electrical and thermal conductivity.
When I use this for Al, it shows reliable results both electrical and thermal conductivity.
However, when I use conducti for other materials, such as Gallium,electrical conductivity is good but thermal conductivity is much higher.
I don't know why thermal conductivity is high. Is there anyone who have same problem?
I use the condition of OCCOPT=3, TSMEAR=physical temperature at MD.
Please give any advice for me.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks in advance.
I am using 'conducti' to obtain electrical and thermal conductivity.
When I use this for Al, it shows reliable results both electrical and thermal conductivity.
However, when I use conducti for other materials, such as Gallium,electrical conductivity is good but thermal conductivity is much higher.
I don't know why thermal conductivity is high. Is there anyone who have same problem?
I use the condition of OCCOPT=3, TSMEAR=physical temperature at MD.
Please give any advice for me.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks in advance.