I have a problem in using "userra","userrb","useria" in my input file. Please inform me in which way I must use them. I am wondering if I can use this variable for dataset mode too.
Thank you in advance for your help.
How to use "userra" input variable
Moderator: bguster
Re: How to use "userra" input variable
These variables are in place for developers to try out code--so, if you want to code some new feature without going to the trouble first of defining new input variables, you can just use "userra" etc for prototyping. Unless you are writing new code to go with them, they don't do anything and you shouldn't use them.
Josef W. Zwanziger
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Canada Research Chair in NMR Studies of Materials
Dalhousie University
Halifax, NS B3H 4J3 Canada
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Canada Research Chair in NMR Studies of Materials
Dalhousie University
Halifax, NS B3H 4J3 Canada