abinit 6.6.2 bindings with intel copmpilator

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abinit 6.6.2 bindings with intel copmpilator

Post by roginovicci » Mon Apr 04, 2011 10:50 pm

It fails compiling bindings. The compilation broke up at the

Code: Select all

/usr/local/mpich2//bin/mpicc  -I. -I/home_usr/mavrin39/work/abinit-6.6.2 -L/usr/local/mpich2/lib/intel64 -lmpich -c /home_usr/mavrin39/work/abinit-6.6.2/bindings/parser/ab6_invars_c.c

with error

Code: Select all

/work/abinit-6.6.2/bindings/parser/ab6_invars_c.c(41): error: function returning function is not allowed
    (int *dt, const char *filename, int *len);

/work/abinit-6.6.2/bindings/parser/ab6_invars_c.c(40): warning #92: identifier-list parameters may only be used in a function definition
  void VARS_NAME(new_from_file,NEW_FROM_FILE)

/work/abinit-6.6.2/bindings/parser/ab6_invars_c.c(43): error: function returning function is not allowed
    (int *dt, const char *string, int *len);

/work/abinit-6.6.2/bindings/parser/ab6_invars_c.c(42): warning #92: identifier-list parameters may only be used in a function definition
  void VARS_NAME(new_from_string,NEW_FROM_STRING)

it seems theese macros didn't do well
#define ABI_FC_MOD(mod,MOD,sub,SUB) mod ## _mp_ ## FC_FUNC(sub,SUB)
#define FC_FUNC(name,NAME) name ## _

#define VARS_NAME(a,A) ABI_FC_MOD(m_ab6_invars,M_AB6_INVARS, \
ab6_invars_ ## a,AB6_INVARS_ ## A)

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Re: abinit 6.6.2 bindings with intel copmpilator

Post by pouillon » Tue Apr 05, 2011 5:42 pm

Bindings are still experimental and have been tested with gfortran only. Please consider using them only if you are willing to participate to their testing / debugging. Trying to use them for production is not recommended yet.
Yann Pouillon
Simune Atomistics
Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain
