Postdoctoral position in electronic structure of polymers for photovoltaic applications in Montreal
A postdoctoral position is presently available in the group of Michel Cote ( at the Universite de Montreal to study novel polymers for photovoltaic applications. The applicant should have a good knowledge of density functional theory and capacity in using GW/BSE and/or TDDFT will be welcomed. This research project is part of an effort in the development of photovoltaic applications orchestrated by a network of research groups within the recently formed "Photovoltaic Innovation Network" of Canada ( The candidate will have the opportunity to work in close collaboration with experimental groups specialized in the synthesis of new polymers and the characterization of organic devices. The exact project will be determined to best suit the expertise and goals of the candidate.
The term of this position is for two years with a review after the first year. The salary is competitive with Canadian employment. Note that foreign researchers are entitled to income tax relief from the provincial government. The position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.
Interested applicant should send their CV and contact information of potential references to Michel Cote at