Dear users/developers,
I'm a new user of abinit and I am now learning to calculate the el-ph properties by abinit. I finished to calculate the ddb and gkk files by abinit and merged them by mrgddb and mrggkk respectively and then got the Tc value by using the anaddb, but I am really confused by the output of the anaddb's calculation( step in the examples the abinit provided ).
1. What's the difference between the teph_5.out_ep_A2F and teph_5.out_ep_A2F_QGRID; and the difference between teph_5.out_ep_NEST and teph_5.out_ep_NESTkplusq
2. I used the tetrahedron method for electron-phonon integration in anaddb calculation (telphint 0) and as the help of abinit says that the nesting function defined as \chi_{nm}(q) = \sum_k \delta(\epsilon_{k,n}-epsilon_F) \delta(\epsilon_{k+q,m}-\epsilon_F) using k-grid of the previous GS calculation . I used the m-p method to integrate the k-grids for GS calculation . In this case , is the number of the k-grids in nesting funciton equal to the ngkpt of the GS calculation or the number of k-grids is something else?
3. The out put files teph_5.out_ep_DEL and the teph_5.out_ep_Z perhaps mean the gap of the superconductor and the renormalization factor respectively, but why they have not only one group of data for -50 to 50 Matsubara frequency points?
Sincerely thanks
What‘s the meaning of the data in the output of nesting file
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